
I am 

Saptarshi Mazumdar


Saptarshi Mazumdar

Work-field: Full-stack development, Java EE, UI using Angular & React.js, Psychology research studies and sentiment processing, music and Indian linguistics analysis.


I am working as a Full-Stack Software Engineer in SAP Labs India. I have around three years of professional experience, excluding part-time internships. So far, I have worked in Rapid Application Development (RAD) and Agile (only Scrum methodology) Software Development Life Cycles. I always try to build and deliver scalable, high-quality features, maintaining standard development procedures and design patterns.

Talking about design patterns, I have worked with MVC, ORM and DDD architectures. Depending on the scalability factor of a job/product, I tend to choose a specific pattern.

My skillset contains backend development using Java (Spring MVC, Struts, Hibernate, SpringBoot, JPA), UI development using (React.js, Ext.js, Angular, Angular.js), development frameworks (Material Design, Bootstrap, SAP Fiori) and different development tools (Jenkins, Jira, Bamboo, Git-Github-Gitlab, Grafana, Kibana Kafka). 

Other than all these, I have a great interest and practice in Signal Processing (Signal Sampling, Domain Transformation, plotting, DWT, Filtration, Modulation & Demodulation),  Machine Learning and basics of Deep Learning, Psychological sentiments and Music analysis. I have completed two research works, which are already published, and working on another project. 

Besides studies and work, I love to read books in my native language, watch movies, documentaries and TV shows of specific genres, listen to the music of different languages and go travelling and hiking.

My teammates often recognize me as a team player, and I have received a few appreciations while working in my present company. I always try to beat the deadline, and in maximum scenarios, I have met the deadline. So far, I have achieved four recognitions and two rewards.
